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Results for "keyword: "body""
Murderball A rip-roaring documentary that will take you to places you have never been before and introduce you to some extraordinary quadriplegics.
Artists of the 20th Century: Alberto Giacometti A fine documentary on the life and work of this great Swiss artist and sculptor.
Calendar Girls Celebrates the juiciness of some English women who finally accept their bodies and innate talents thanks to an innovative fund-raising project in their small town.
Ram Dass Fierce Grace An extraordinary documentary about the grace-filled life of the bestselling author and spiritual teacher.
NOVA scienceNOW: Can We Live Forever? New Technology for a Longer Life Thought-provoking material on custom-made body parts, the discovery of a longevity gene, and passing on your wisdom after you've died.
Ballerina A refreshing and illuminating portrait of five new stars in Russian ballet.
Invincible A true story of a Philadelphia Eagles football fan who digs deep within and discovers a new life for himself beyond his wildest dreams.
Emmanuel's Gift An inspiring documentary about a determined young man who almost single-handedly has changed the way the disabled are treated in Ghana.
Something New An accomplished African-American woman falls in love with a laid-back white man and realizes he is interested in her true self when he paints her toe nails with a bright red polish.
Eating Reveals America's obsession with the beauty myth and how it violates the self-esteem of women.